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How to arrange wall décor

How to create wall decor?

Creating wall decor is a fantastic way to add the finishing touches to your home. Through wall decoration, you can transform the interior by showcasing your favorite pictures, paintings, prints, or any artwork.

Ashley provides exceptional wall decorations that cater to a range of styles and budgets.

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Today, we're excited to share our top tips and tricks for the ultimate wall decor inspiration.

How to choose pictures for the wall?

While designing a wall may initially seem complex, the process becomes quite simple when approached step by step. Begin by collecting artwork and photos for your wall. It's essential to choose images with a specific theme. The selection ultimately depends on your vision and taste. Of course, we have some recommendations to help your unique style stand out.

When deciding on a theme for wall decoration, it's crucial to maintain a balance among the selected photos or prints. This ensures a harmonious look for the wall.

wall design

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Creating wall decor offers the flexibility to use various designs. Whether it's bohemian, modern, minimalist, art deco, traditional, or a blend of styles, consider the aesthetic you aim to achieve. Understanding your aesthetic and style will guide you in selecting the most suitable wall art, photographs, and prints to infuse additional character into your home.

Consider the bohemian aesthetic, for instance. When creating a bohemian-style wall, embrace organic materials and blend a variety of patterns, textures, and cultural pieces. Make pictures of plants, flowers, landscapes, and abstract art the focal point. Opt for wooden, gold, and white picture frames to provide a striking contrast and enhance the overall appeal of your wall.

How to place the selected pictures on the wall - this is important!

You've made the decision to create an eye-catching wall decor, and it's essential to remember that the correct placement of patterns is crucial in decorating. While there are no strict rules on how to arrange photos on the wall, Ashley offers some practical advice to help guide you in achieving an aesthetically pleasing display.

It's always wise to experiment before making a decision. Arrange the samples on the floor and take a photo to assess the best look. Additionally, we recommend starting by hanging the largest pictures first, directing the main focus towards them. Position these larger pieces in the center and then surround them with relatively smaller works. This approach ensures an ideal visual effect for your wall decor.

Consideration of the shapes and sizes of picture frames is crucial. To ensure that all the details of your decor are noticeable, avoid placing pictures of similar shapes close together or side by side. Achieve balance by incorporating both vertical and horizontal frames, allowing you to create a striking wall decor that doesn't appear overly busy. 

Should the frame shapes match?

We've all seen wall decor characterized by frames of similar shape and color, but the decision of whether they have to match is entirely up to you. Keep in mind that while using frames of different shapes and textures can be creative and unique, it's a good idea to ensure that the photos complement and balance each other for a cohesive overall look.

For instance, if you prefer a more cohesive look in your wall decor, opt for frames with a consistent type of wood, metal, or neutral color that visually complements each other. This choice ensures a harmonious and coordinated appearance.

To introduce contrast, consider incorporating a broader color palette, abstract art, and diverse photos. Utilizing picture frames of varying shapes and sizes can further enhance the contrasting elements in your interior design.

Be creative when decorating your wall.

The tips and tricks we've shared are just a few essential details for your creative journey. As you explore new trends, aim to showcase your individual style and personality. Let your creativity shine!

Now that you have some instructions on creating wall decor, let's get started! Explore the Ashley collection and choose items for decoration that will not only catch everyone's eye but also accentuate your unique style and taste on the walls of your home.